Which is better, a sex doll with a firm chest or a sex doll with a hollow chest?

2023-03-03 19:04:33

Posted by neusexpuppe

Category: 国内市況

Deciding which Little Sexpuppen to buy can be a daunting task. We currently have more than 500 dolls, but these are just a few. After you find the doll you want to buy, you have a variety of customisation and upgrade options. This article will help you make an informed decision about what type of breast you should choose for your sex doll.

but in general there are two types of "hollow breasts" and "three-dimensional breasts". There are three options, one is a jelly-like breast.
Solid breasts are also called standard breasts.They are filled with high quality TPE and silicone materials Große Sexpuppe.This bust has a firm hardness while it has the softness and elasticityof high quality TPE and silicone materials.

They are generally preferred and appreciated by people because of their smaller cup size A and cup size B.There is usually no cut-out option for mini dolls as it is not clear if the breast is cut out.

In addition, prolonged use of a mini silicone Torso Sexpuppe with hollow breasts can cause the breasts to become deformed.For most customers, a firm breast doll is sufficient for everyday use.

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Hollow Breast Design: The hollow width of WM Dolls Anime Sex Doll with hollow breasts is less than half the normal width, which helps to soften the breasts.

Depressed breasts are very fragile and sag when broken.

Gel breasts are the perfect product for realistic sex doll breasts. It is a soft breast like a hollow and a hard breast like a hard breast. This gel is also used by real women and is the closest to the feel and movement of real breasts. Because of its soft texture, it does not drip easily.If you like the most realistic lifelike Elf Sexpuppen, then it is worth upgrading Gel Breast.
Finally, the choice of bust depends on the bust you like.The main difference between them is realism and softness, but the jelly-like bust is the best choice, with better realism and softness and better quality.

Tag: tagpuppe 

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