リフレ政策(or 物価水準目標政策)のすすめ

●Greg Mankiw, “The Next Round of Ammunition”(Greg Mankiw's Blog, December 16, 2008)


With the Fed having cut its target interest rate today to a range of zero to 1/4 percent, many people will be asking whether the central bank has run out of ammunition. A good question. Obviously, the next step is not going to be further cuts in the federal funds rate. But there is still more the Fed can do.

Notice this passage in the Fed's press release (emphasis added):

The Federal Reserve will employ all available tools to promote the resumption of sustainable economic growth and to preserve price stability. In particular, the Committee anticipates that weak economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate for some time.
連邦準備制度理事会は持続的な経済成長の促進と物価安定の維持のために利用できるあらゆる手段を採用するであろう。特に、FOMCは経済の不安定な状況が継続する限りはFFレートを「しばらくの期間にわたって」(for some time)例外的な低位水準に保つであろう。)

The phrase "for some time" is aimed at managing expectations in order to keep long-term interest rates down.
(この「しばらくの期間にわたって」(for some time)との文言は、より長いタームの金利低下を実現するために人々の期待に働きかけることを意図したものであるといえる。)

The next step for the Fed is to drop the "price stability" rhetoric. The Fed has never been truly committed to stable prices. After all, inflation during the Volcker-Greenspan era averaged about 2 to 3 percent. The Fed could have lowered inflation to zero if it had wanted. Now that zero, or even below zero, is a possibility, the Fed needs to convince people that we are going back to the normal inflation rate of 2 to 3 percent.

Let me suggest this wording for the Fed's next press release:

The Committee recognizes that moderate inflation would be desirable under the present circumstances. In particular, the overall level of prices a decade hence should be about 30 percent higher than the price level today. The committee anticipates keeping the stance of monetary policy sufficiently accomodative to achieve that degree of inflation over the coming decade.

That is, even if the Fed cannot reduce nominal interest rates, it can reduce real interest rates by committing to a modest amount of inflation.

Some would view this as a radical change in monetary policy. In some ways, it would be. Given how weak the economy is, however, a bit of radicalism may be called for. I am more comfortable having the Fed commit itself to modest inflation than having the federal government commit itself to a trillion dollars of new spending. The more we can rely on monetary rather than fiscal policy to return the economy to full employment and sustainable growth, the better off future generations of taxpayers will be.

The abandonment of "price stability" would be the modern equivalent of Roosevelt's abandonment of the gold standard. Of all the things that Roosevelt did to get the economy out of the Depression, jettisoning the gold standard was the most successful. Today, monetary policy is fettered not by gold but by fear of inflation. Perhaps it is time is get over that fear, at least for a while. As Jim Tobin said in an earlier era, there are worse things than inflation, and we have them.


The Fed has never been truly committed to stable prices. After all, inflation during the Volcker-Greenspan era averaged about 2 to 3 percent. The Fed could have lowered inflation to zero if it had wanted. Now that zero, or even below zero, is a possibility, the Fed needs to convince people that we are going back to the normal inflation rate of 2 to 3 percent.



●night_in_tunisia, “経済学者は何を提言しているか 一例”(徒然なる数学な日々, 2008年12月22日)

*1:ちょいとしたラディカリズム、だね。「a bit of」を見逃してた。
